
Halogen light sources for Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)

By Sep 1st 2021 the next phase of the EU Directive 2009/125/EC on the eco design requirements for light sources becomes effective banning certain types of conventional light bulbs.

The regulators specifically excluded Airfield lamps from the ban, but why?

There are a number of very good reasons to keep working with halogen bulbs in certain application fields such as AGL.

Here are just a few key aspects in favor of NARVA halogen bulbs:

  • long-lasting, cost-effective lighting solution
  • proven to withstand harsh weather conditions and vibration load
  • available on the market in good quality

Especially for safety sensitive applications NARVA halogen bulbs provide a durable, economical alternative to LED lighting.

Check out the wide NARVA airfield product range of our member company vosla GmbH: https://www.vosla.com/en/airfield-lighting/

Halogen light sources for Airfield Ground Lighting (AGL)
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